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  • Arrows Academy Tour--Mar 15

Arrows Academy Tour--Mar 15

  • March 15, 2022
  • 9:25 AM - 11:00 AM (PDT)
  • 500 N 10th St Central Point
  • 4


Registration is closed

We invite you to join us on an in-session day to see Arrows Christian Academy in action! Visitors will observe classrooms and will have a brief visit with our Arrows Director or another Academy staff member to learn more about our program. Tours are conducted in small groups and there may be up to 3 families attending at one time.

This tour is most effective if you are able to make other arrangements for your children during your visit. If you must bring children with you, you will be able to pop in classrooms, but not sit in/observe in our classrooms. Visiting children must remain with their parents at all times.  If you would like to sit in on a classroom (beyond just a brief 'pop in'), please arrange that with our director ahead of time. Thank you for understanding! 

Please arrive promptly at 9:25 for your tour. Park in the front of the church and ring the Ring doorbell at the single door up the ramp to the left of the main entrance. 

Visitors may be requested to complete a background check prior to their visit.



CP Co-op: coop@arrowschc.com

CP Academy: Hilary.Cooper@arrowschc.com

GP Academy: Renee.Brumbach@arrowschc.com

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