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A homeschool co-op is an educational community comprised of homeschooling families who gather together at allotted times for classes, community, and spiritual enrichment. 

A co-op is usually run by parents who teach classes, volunteer in leadership positions, and help with all aspects of running the community. Co-ops are a great opportunity for families to socialize and support one another as well as for students to learn and grow in community.

Arrows Christian Homeschool Community's (Arrows) co-op is comprised of a 26 week co-op year beginning in early September through the end of April. 

We enjoy taking periodic breaks every 5 weeks or so, including a 4 week break around Christmas. We serve Preschool through 8th grades as well as 9th-12th grade when interest is high enough. We also provide a nursery for children under 3.

Co-op families come together once a week to participate in regular classes, recess, chapel, lunch, and other activities. 

Arrows operates as a true co-op, which means we rely solely on parent participation. All parents are encouraged to submit an application to teach a class, and the administration will choose the classes that best fit the vision and mission of Arrows. Students will typically attend 3 - 4 classes between 9:00am and noon as well as chapel and an optional fellowship lunch hour from noon-1pm. Arrows also provides fun activities for students including, but not limited to a Back to School Bash, field trips, holiday parties, Christmas Celebration, Christmas caroling, science fair, talent show, End of the School Year party, and more!

In addition to student care, Arrows desires to provide opportunity for Moms to be supported and uplifted.

When a mom is not serving during the co-op day, she is invited to relax in our "Mom's Room" to fellowship and develop friendships with other like minded moms. Arrows' S.H.E.E.P. (Spiritual Care, Hospitality, Encouragement, Exhortation and Prayer) Team is specially gifted and tasked to encourage, support and pray for the moms and families in our community. 

If you are interested in joining Arrows, please visit our membership page for all the information you need to sign up and join our community.


  • My kids are energetic and enthusiastic and aren’t used to sitting quietly in a classroom and I’m worried they might be “in trouble” a lot at co-op….

Ahhh, yes, I know this one! As a mom of 4 boys myself, I get it when you say you’re concerned your child(boy or girl) might have a hard time sitting still! It is our goal—even in the classes—to make sure students are having fun while they’re learning! Our 25 minute morning chapel often has an upbeat music time where kids can jump around, sing along and do the motions.

Teachers are encouraged to use interactive, hands-on, light, and fun approaches to their subject matter as much as possible. For the most part, students—especially younger grades—are not simply sitting and listening for a straight 45 minutes in each class. Every grade level has a P.E. class (up to 6th grade), and not just plain old-school PE classes—think VBS type games and fun “get your wiggles out” activities. Older PE classes are also more challenging and helps teach students how to keep their bodies in shape.  

That said, there are times where students need to sit still and listen respectfully. This is an important thing for all children to learn. If you have a specific concern regarding this aspect, please let us know and let’s see if we can find a solution that might work for your student. 

• The rules seem kind of strict….

I see what you mean, but that’s not our heart. We believe in putting efforts into being proactive to help outline how we will handle issues that will arise and, when you put a large group of people together, they will arise! However, we are all moms, too, and we understand none of our children are perfect. We believe that love covers a multitude of sins, and we strive to be as loving and gracious as possible.

• I really don’t want to teach a class….

No problem! We don’t need every parent needing to teach a class. Every parent is required to at least help in two classes, but not all will need to teach. 

• We’ve been very “free” in our homeschooling and I’m afraid to commit to something….

Us too! Haha. We all understand and enjoy one of the greatest benefits of homeschooling….freedom! We meet a total of 26 weeks out of the entire year and will take every 5th week off (or so) including 4 weeks at Christmas. We do ask that families be as committed as possible to co-op days, however, if something comes up and you will miss co-op or you just need a break, we can work with you to help find a substitute. 




CP Co-op: coop@arrowschc.com

CP Academy: Hilary.Cooper@arrowschc.com

GP Academy: Renee.Brumbach@arrowschc.com

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